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American Journal News
Kaili Joy Gray

Kaili Joy Gray

Executive Editor

Longtime progressive editor and writer and fierce feminist. Formerly Planned Parenthood, Wonkette, and Daily Kos. Follow her on Twitter @KailiJoy.

White House: Trump “was making a joke” when he called for police brutality

White House: Trump “was making a joke” when he called for police brutality

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 31, 2017
Trump fires the new communications director who made him fire everyone else

Trump fires the new communications director who made him fire everyone else

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 31, 2017
Trump cabinet members “laugh a lot” about how incompetent they are

Trump cabinet members “laugh a lot” about how incompetent they are

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 31, 2017
“Well, you’re probably done”: Even Fox News says the GOP health care repeal is dead

“Well, you’re probably done”: Even Fox News says the GOP health care repeal is dead

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 28, 2017
Kellyanne Conway calls GOP who voted against repeal “Loch Ness monsters of the swamp”

Kellyanne Conway calls GOP who voted against repeal “Loch Ness monsters of the swamp”

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 28, 2017
Trump’s rant to Boy Scouts so horrific they apologized for letting him speak

Trump’s rant to Boy Scouts so horrific they apologized for letting him speak

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 27, 2017
Sen. Graham warns of “the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency”

Sen. Graham warns of “the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency”

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 27, 2017
“She’s very rude.” Trump can’t handle question from female reporter on military ban

“She’s very rude.” Trump can’t handle question from female reporter on military ban

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 26, 2017
Trump’s tweet struck fear at Pentagon that he was declaring war on North Korea

Trump’s tweet struck fear at Pentagon that he was declaring war on North Korea

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 26, 2017
After House protects transgender military, Trump bans them during “American Heroes Week”

After House protects transgender military, Trump bans them during “American Heroes Week”

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 26, 2017
Cowardly Trump hides behind attacks on Jeff Sessions instead of just firing him

Cowardly Trump hides behind attacks on Jeff Sessions instead of just firing him

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 25, 2017
Trump’s “victims of Obamacare” actually saved by Obamacare

Trump’s “victims of Obamacare” actually saved by Obamacare

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 24, 2017
House GOP seeks revenge on CBO for saying Obamacare repeal would be a disaster

House GOP seeks revenge on CBO for saying Obamacare repeal would be a disaster

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 24, 2017
Liveblog: White House holds first on-camera press briefing in almost a month

Liveblog: White House holds first on-camera press briefing in almost a month

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 21, 2017
Even Sean Spicer is done being humiliated by Donald Trump

Even Sean Spicer is done being humiliated by Donald Trump

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 21, 2017
Russia hints at blackmailing Trump with threats of exposing more secret meetings

Russia hints at blackmailing Trump with threats of exposing more secret meetings

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 21, 2017
Trump’s blame game backfires: No one wants to work for his administration

Trump’s blame game backfires: No one wants to work for his administration

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 20, 2017
Kellyanne Conway on kicking 23 million Americans off health care: “This should be easy!”

Kellyanne Conway on kicking 23 million Americans off health care: “This should be easy!”

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 20, 2017
Trump considers outsourcing American cybersecurity to Russia

Trump considers outsourcing American cybersecurity to Russia

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 20, 2017
Paul Ryan is shockingly unpopular, even for Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan is shockingly unpopular, even for Paul Ryan

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 19, 2017
Former Bush spokesman: Failure on health care is a “dismal day for Republicans”

Former Bush spokesman: Failure on health care is a “dismal day for Republicans”

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 18, 2017
White House reporter baffled by Sean Spicer’s “incredibly strange” press briefing

White House reporter baffled by Sean Spicer’s “incredibly strange” press briefing

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 17, 2017
“I don’t know what to say”: Even Fox hosts are stunned by “all these lies” from Trump team

“I don’t know what to say”: Even Fox hosts are stunned by “all these lies” from Trump team

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 14, 2017
Jeff Sessions “reluctantly” asks Supreme Court to let Trump ban Muslim grandmas

Jeff Sessions “reluctantly” asks Supreme Court to let Trump ban Muslim grandmas

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 14, 2017
Trump campaign adviser admits they’d have erased Russian emails if they’d broken the law

Trump campaign adviser admits they’d have erased Russian emails if they’d broken the law

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 14, 2017
Kellyanne Conway attacks “lazy” journalists: Cover what Trump wants, not Russia scandals

Kellyanne Conway attacks “lazy” journalists: Cover what Trump wants, not Russia scandals

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 14, 2017
GOP compromises national security to protect Trump son-in-law

GOP compromises national security to protect Trump son-in-law

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 13, 2017
Watch: Trump embarrasses himself by leering at French president’s “beautiful” wife

Watch: Trump embarrasses himself by leering at French president’s “beautiful” wife

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 13, 2017
Donald Trump wanted a lot of horses for his welcome reception in France, apparently

Donald Trump wanted a lot of horses for his welcome reception in France, apparently

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 13, 2017
Youngest Dems in Congress will give their generation a voice on education, economy

Youngest Dems in Congress will give their generation a voice on education, economy

By Kaili Joy Gray - July 12, 2017
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