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American Journal News
Betsy DeVos
Betsy DeVos hides from outraged Canadian teachers, cancels Toronto tour after backlash

Betsy DeVos hides from outraged Canadian teachers, cancels Toronto tour after backlash

By Matthew Chapman - October 05, 2017
Betsy DeVos met with group that shames rape survivors, won’t meet victims of college scams

Betsy DeVos met with group that shames rape survivors, won’t meet victims of college scams

By Matthew Chapman - September 29, 2017
Betsy DeVos directs schools to let accused rapists interrogate their victims

Betsy DeVos directs schools to let accused rapists interrogate their victims

By Matthew Chapman - September 22, 2017
Sen. Cory Booker tried to warn us about the damage Betsy DeVos could do to students’ civil rights

Sen. Cory Booker tried to warn us about the damage Betsy DeVos could do to students’ civil rights

By Alison R. Parker - April 20, 2017
Dem senator nails Betsy Devos for refusing to protect gay kids from discrimination

Dem senator nails Betsy Devos for refusing to protect gay kids from discrimination

By Katie Paris - June 06, 2017
Massive student resistance brings Betsy DeVos commencement speech to a halt

Massive student resistance brings Betsy DeVos commencement speech to a halt

By Tommy Christopher - May 10, 2017
Education Secretary DeVos refuses to protect children from discrimination

Education Secretary DeVos refuses to protect children from discrimination

By Leah McElrath - May 24, 2017
Betsy DeVos used Special Olympics for photo op, is silent on Trump’s $10.1 million cuts

Betsy DeVos used Special Olympics for photo op, is silent on Trump’s $10.1 million cuts

By Oliver Willis - May 24, 2017

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