Christian charity steered $65 million to Trump lawyer and his family
An Associated Press report claims charity funding is going toward Jay Sekulow’s work defending Trump, which would break the law.
By Associated Press - January 31, 2020An Associated Press report claims charity funding is going toward Jay Sekulow’s work defending Trump, which would break the law.
By Associated Press - January 31, 2020The final arguments in the impeachment trial against Donald Trump included numerous falsehoods.
By Associated Press - January 29, 2020Trump’s defense attorney Jay Sekulow argued that Trump isn’t driven by self-interest.
By Emily Singer - January 28, 2020Jay Sekulow said he misled the American public about Trump’s role in the Trump Tower coverup because of ‘bad information’ — in other words, because Trump lied to him about what really happened.
By Tommy Christopher - August 05, 2018Trump’s outmanned legal team faces another major obstacle — getting his top lawyers security clearances.
By Eric Boehlert - May 02, 2018