Here’s what’s really at stake on Super Tuesday
Almost 10 times as many delegates will be awarded on Tuesday than the previous four states combined.
By Dan Desai Martin - March 02, 2020Almost 10 times as many delegates will be awarded on Tuesday than the previous four states combined.
By Dan Desai Martin - March 02, 2020Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg noted that Donald Trump’s administration has undermined the agencies now rushing to address the deadly new virus.
By Josh Israel - February 25, 2020Following his debut in the Democratic debates, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg put out an edited video to make his opponents look worse.
By Dan Desai Martin - February 20, 2020Warren lambasted Bloomberg’s defense of the racist policy carried out when he was mayor.
By Dan Desai Martin - February 19, 2020Undocumented immigrants are not paying for the wall, as Trump claimed.
By Associated Press - February 17, 2020The former New York City mayor is facing scrutiny over a slew of past remarks he made about minorities and food stamp recipients.
By Oliver Willis - February 13, 2020Trump is in bad shape heading into the 2020 election, a new Quinnipiac poll found.
By Emily Singer - February 10, 2020Candidates who funneled huge amounts of funds into their Iowa campaigns lost out big.
By Associated Press - February 07, 2020Bloomberg said he only discovered the arrangement after reporters contacted him about it.
By Associated Press - December 26, 2019