GOP senator wants to punish Ben & Jerry’s for not agreeing with him on Israel
Republican Sen. James Lankford has previously railed against ‘cancel culture.’
By Josh Israel - July 21, 2021Republican Sen. James Lankford has previously railed against ‘cancel culture.’
By Josh Israel - July 21, 2021Refugee rights organizations say Donald Trump previously pledged to help Christian refugees but has failed them.
By Donna Provencher - October 02, 2020The U.S. troop presence in Saudi Arabia has grown to roughly 2,500 since last summer.
By Associated Press - January 29, 2020The Palestinian president already rejected the plan Trump and the Israeli Prime Minister announced on Tuesday.
By Associated Press - January 28, 2020The announcement will make it harder for the Trump to deliver on an oft-promised Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement.
By Associated Press - November 18, 2019