McConnell-backed group spends $70 million on attack ads filled with lies, distortions
The ads are running in six states with competitive U.S. Senate races
By Jesse Valentine - July 02, 2024The ads are running in six states with competitive U.S. Senate races
By Jesse Valentine - July 02, 2024The ad was produced by the tax-exempt group One Nation, which has received millions of dollars from fossil fuel companies in recent years.
By Josh Israel - April 19, 2023Outside groups — often funded by undisclosed sources — supporting Republican House and Senate candidates significantly outspent groups supporting Democrats in close races.
By Josh Israel - December 08, 2022Oil and gas companies do not need to pass their tax burden on to New Hampshire consumers, contrary to a new ad’s claims.
By Josh Israel - September 30, 2022An all-Republican county board in Iowa decided to use American Rescue Plan funds to help purchase the local ski resort.
By Josh Israel - July 21, 2022Top economists say Build Back Better would actually help curb inflation in the long term.
By Josh Israel - December 10, 2021