GOP candidate says woman senator disagreeing with Trump is like adultery
The GOP has a problem talking to women. This time, Rep. Kevin Cramer compared Sen. Heidi Heitkamp’s voting record to cheating on a spouse.

Rep. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) was supposed to be the GOP’s best shot at dethroning Democratic Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, but his clumsy, barely disguised misogyny would make you think otherwise.
In a recent radio interview with right-wing talk radio host Scott Hennen, he attacked Heitkamp with a weirdly sexualized analogy, comparing her anti-Trump voting record to marital infidelity.
“Here’s the good news about Donald Trump,” he said. “Most of the time, he’s for North Dakota. And that’s my point where I’ve heard her say, ‘Gee, I voted with him 55% of the time.’ Can you imagine going home and telling your wife, ‘I’ve been faithful to you 55% of the time?’ Are you kidding me? Being wrong half the time is not a good answer.”
In other words, because Heitkamp refused to vote with Trump to strip health care from poor people and pass the tax scam for corporations and billionaires, she’s basically an unfaithful spouse.
As CNN noted, “the comment is an awkward analogy, given Trump’s long and well-publicized history of marital indiscretions.”
But Cramer didn’t even seem to realize his creepy comment is a bizarre thing to say in support of Trump, the real-life serial adulterer who is facing a lawsuit for paying off a porn star.
And unfortunately, Cramer is not alone. Republican Senate candidates seem to have a serious problem when it comes to interacting with women.
In Missouri, for instance, three separate Republicans running for Senate have faced controversy for misogynistic comments. Courtland Sykes said feminists are “she-devils” with “snake-filled heads,” and that he expects women to give him “a home-cooked dinner at six every night.” Josh Hawley said that sex trafficking was caused by “the sexual revolution.” And Austin Petersen was caught hitting on a student who asked him how he would win women voters.
And earlier this week, Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Scott Wagner said he would have to “talk to my wife” about how birth control works, even though he passionately wants to regulate it.
The Republican Party, in fact, has such a problem with women that they are experiencing a brain drain of qualified candidates, with many conservative women opting or being told to sit out running for office this year because of Trump.
Republicans are heading for electoral disaster if they continue to treat half of the U.S. population so dismissively. And the behavior of candidates like Cramer proves a serious course correction is not likely any time soon.

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