High school journalist David Hogg schools Laura Ingraham on journalism
The 17-year-old Parkland shooting survivor, David Hogg, is not letting Laura Ingraham off the hook for her tasteless attack on him. He’s just getting started.

Fox News host Laura Ingraham made a huge mistake when she attacked 17-year-old David Hogg on Twitter, and she’s not done paying the price for it yet.
The student journalist and survivor of the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, has organized an incredibly successful boycott of corporations that advertise on Ingraham’s show. Even Ingraham’s apology did nothing to stem the tide of fleeing advertisers.
For Hogg, Ingraham’s words of remorse were too little, too late — and too transparent. Ingraham only apologized after her toxic words started to cost her, and that’s why Hogg isn’t calling off his boycott.
“She’s only apologizing after a third of her advertisers pulled out,” he told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota Friday. “I think if she really wants to do something, she could cover things like inner city violence and the real issues that we have in America. I know she’s a talk show host, but as such, she also has a responsibility to show both sides of a story.”
As Camerota noted, seven companies have already pulled their support, after just one tweet from Hogg.
“I think it’s great that corporate America is standing with me and the rest of the my friends,” Hogg said. “I think it’s important that we stand together as both corporate and civic Americans to take action against these people and show them that they cannot push us around, especially when all we’re trying to do here is save lives.”
Pushing around Hogg and his fellow students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High is exactly what conservatives like Ingraham have tried to do. They have accused the students who survived the shooting of being “crisis actors.” They have compared the students to Nazis. They have advised students to do any number of things besides organizing to end gun violence.
Former senator and CNN contributor Rick Santorum told them they should learn CPR so they can treat their classmates at the next apparently inevitable school shooting. NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch said they should be paying for security at school.
And Ingraham ridiculed Hogg, with a grade point average of 4.2, for not getting into a few colleges.
But none of it is working to silence the young survivors who have been radicalized by their tragedy and show no signs of giving up in their quest to force lawmakers to act on guns — or to vote out of office the lawmakers who refuse.
“When people try to distract, like Laura’s trying to do right now, from what the real issue is, which is gun violence in America,” Hogg said, “it’s not only sad, it’s just wrong.
“From a journalistic standpoint, I would say that she needs to be more objective and needs to stand down. Because I am not the issue here. The issue needs to be gun violence in America.”
Ingraham did attempt to stand down, and save face, with her half-hearted apology, but it clearly didn’t work on Hogg. And it didn’t work on the advertisers who’ve decided they want nothing to do with someone who would smear kids to try to shut down a much needed conversation about gun violence.

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